Reading… Mercedes Cebrián

  • DATE

    27 June 2023

  • TIME

    6:00 pm to 7:00 am



Instituto Cervantes Manchester and Leeds Poetry’s Club celebrates the fourth session reading poems of the Spanish poet Mercedes Cebrián.

Mercedes Cebrián writes fiction, essays, journalism for El País, and poetry, and has translated Georges Perec, Miranda july and Sigrid Nuñez. Her books include El malestar al alcance de todos [Affordable Angst, 2004], Mercado común [Common Market, 2006], 13 viajes in vitro [13 voyages in vitro, 2018), Cul-de-sac (2009), La nueva taxidermia [The New Taxidermy, 2011], El genuino sabor [Authentic Taste, 2014], Verano azul: unas vacaciones en el corazón de la transición (Blue summer, holidays in the new democracy, 2016], or Malgastar [Squandering, 2016]. Her poetry has been published in a number of UK magazines including Modern Poetry in Translation, Long Term Magazine, Poetry London, Poem, Shearsman and Acumen.

The Poetry club is coordinated by Diana Cullell, Professor at the University of Liverpool.

Diana Cullell is a Professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Liverpool and a specialist in Spanish and Catalan literature and culture. She has published on different authors and literary movements, with an interest in new forms of poetry and its new interpretations; contemporary Spanish and Catalan poetry; representations of the body in literature or the Spanish poetry market from 1980 to the present. His publications include La perfopoesía española en el siglo XXI: una revolución poética (Madrid: Amargord, 2019); Spanish Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology(Manchester University Press, 2014); or La Poesía de la Experiencia Española de Finales del Siglo XX al XXI (Madrid: Devenir, 2010).