Book Launch: Seventeen, 18, 19… Playgrounds

  • DATE

    27 February 2025

  • TIME

    6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

  • AGES

    All ages welcome




    6-10 Hanover St, Manchester M4 4BB

Seventeen, 18, 19… Playgrounds is a research project by Manchester-based Denisa Kollarová (with Anna van Lingen) on the work of the Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck (1918-1999), a designer of hundreds of playgrounds in Amsterdam between the 1940s and 1970s. Characterized by simple metal structures, sand pits and concrete elements van Eyck’s playgrounds encouraged children to develop their own autonomy and creativity through play.

Kollarová and van Lingen’s research began as a mapping of the few playgrounds still present in the Amsterdam cityscape and was initially published by Lecturis in 2015. This second edition sees new contributions from Francis Strauven, Paul Lappia, Tobias Krasenberg, Jonáš Verešpej, Tess Van Eyck, and Harm Stevens. It is peer-reviewed by Markus Miessen and co-published by FFA BUT and Oreri —Iniziativa Editoriale.

Expect slide shows, drinks, talks, music, conversation, as well as our own take on the ethics of leaving space for playful explorations within an uncertain social setting.

Jot Pop-up bookshop will be open!