Dara McAnulty

  • DATE

    1-30 November 2021

  • TIME

    1:00 pm to 12:00 am



‘The only thing that I am really bound to is nature – as we all are.’

In his engaging first book, Diary of a Young Naturalist, Dara McAnulty documents his experiences with and in nature; how he navigates life and school as an autistic person; mental health; and his work as a young activist. Told over the course of a year, Dara demonstrates how we affect nature and how it affects us. Dara won Book of the Year for Narrative Non-Fiction at the British Book Awards 2021 and the Wainwright Prize for Nature Writing in 2020, becoming the youngest ever winner of a major literary prize. His second book, Wild Child: A Journey Through Nature, takes the reader on a multi-sensory journey; venturing out into the garden, walking in the woods, investigating heathland, wandering on the riverbank and learning about the native birds, animals and plants you will find there. Dara will be in conversation with poet, climber and fellow nature lover Helen Mort.