VERBOSE present Joy France at Fairfield Social Club

  • DATE

    6 June 2024

  • TIME

    7:30 pm to 9:30 pm



Verbose are thrilled to present the one and only Joy France at Fairfield Social for a very special event in one Manchester’s newest venues.

Joy is a Manchester icon once seen never forgotten. Subject of the award winning documentary film ‘Joy Uncensored’ by Northern Hearts Film.

Joy’s life has been one of 2 halves. She was a quiet, unassuming teacher, always worrying about what others thought. That is, until her mid-50’s when she finally found her voice and the courage to embrace life. She didn’t look back and after starting in the world of poetry she went on to see if she could break gender and age stereotypes by competing in the brutal, youthful, male-dominated world of battle rap

Joy is an all round creative – a multiple slam-winning poet, stand-up comedian, and writer who travels around delivering talks, running workshops and performing at a variety of festivals and unusual venues.

Alongside an extended and eclectic open mic line up this will be a Verbose night to remember!

Applications to be part of the open mic (all forms of writing are welcome at Verbose from poetry to creative non fiction to flash fiction and beyond) open on 21 May and close on 24th May by emailing