Wellbeing Workshop for Creatives of Colour

  • DATE

    29 July 2024

  • TIME

    6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

  • AGES

    All ages welcome



For those of us who embed writing and creativity in our lives already, it is important to regularly step back and rebalance by taking the time to nurture ourselves and our talents.

Whether you are a poet feeling drained from pouring yourself out onstage or a fiction writer experiencing the loneliness that can come from solitary writing, this event is about nourishing you and your practice.

This wellbeing event consists of two sessions with experienced facilitators: creative writing with Nadia Emam and zine-making with Seleena Laverne Daye.

Connect with like-minded individuals and engage your creative and curious mind without the pressure of productivity. We hope this workshop will fill up your cup and lead to an overall sense of grounding.

This wellbeing event is catered specifically for writers and creatives of the Global Majority*.
*Global Majority community (ie, African, Caribbean, Southeast, South, East Asian, Middle Eastern Diaspora communities, as well as Indigenous communities)